- Dance posture – embrace and energy
- Tango walk, steps
- Leader and Follower
- Listening attentively to the music (melody and rhythm)
- Change of rhythms during the dance
- Comfort of embracing dance partners and mutual respect
- Pivot (basic turn)
- Common axis of the dancing partners
- Basic elements:
ocho, pasada, crossing legs or cruces, giro, change of direction, turns to the left and to the right.
Advanced elements:
entry (sacada), hook (gancho), lean (volcada), counterweight (colgada)
- Open and closed embrace in dance and how to change them
- Listening attentively to your partner
- Decorations in dance
- Free improvisation, combining elements.
- Ability to be calm and listen to the silence of the music
- Tango etiquette and communication:
Roles in the dance, invitation to dance, dance direction - rondo, understanding of tango philosophy.
- Female-male communication, dance closeness, learning to trust and share in dance
- Strengthening vital life energy and feeling fulfilled, happy and "crazy" in dance
• Beginner class:
18.30 - 19.30
• Advanced class:
19.30 - 20.30
• Practice until 21.30
• Single course visit per person = 12 euro
• Course package 4 visits per person = 46 euro
• Course package 4 visit per couple = 90 euro
• Practice visit:
- free for our participants
- other dancers: voluntary contributions