Šola argentinskega tanga 

Naše zunanje &
notranje gibanje.


As experienced dancers and tangueros, you already know a lot about tango dancing. Over the years you’ve gained a lot of experience, maybe even your own style, and you no longer need teaching. It’s enough just to work together and explore, almost as friends, the many incredibly beautiful facets of tango. The visible aspects elements of tango and the wonderful dance figures are one part, while the other, invisible part of the dance is connected to deeper emotions and the soul.

And therefore, not only with the physical thrill of movement, but also with joy and deeper meaning.
Good dance communication is about coordinating and harmonising with your partner every moment of the dance. In this non-verbal, energy-based communication we also learn how to collaborate in terms of leading and following one’s partner. We can also learn how to fully open up in a dance exchange, while staying true to ourselves, safe and satisfied, and not being unpleasantly surprised or disappointed when opening up. And, of course, we also explore how a sense of closeness is created, as the ultimate experience and feeling of joy. This is the greatest mystery, and almost everybody’s desire. All of us have experienced this feeling of flying and limitlessness when dancing with someone, and all of us want to experience it again. And if someone hasn’t, then they want to. That's why in our advanced tango workshops we train to go deeper and achieve even greater tenderness and subtlety. It's that feeling of spaciousness and happiness.

Allow yourself to be surprised by new experiences at one of the workshops held in your city by the Plus-Tango dance school and the Inspiration Institute, led by the always positive teacher and experienced dance master Dr Siniša Minardi. You’re always welcome to join us!

P. S. The author of these words is our teacher.

Plus-Tango sestavlja ekipa posameznikov, ki od življenja zahteva več. Zato raziskujemo, odkrivamo in ustvarjamo nove poti.

Contact us

Nardi-Ma, Zavod za celostno gibanje

1000 Ljubljana Slovenija


+ 386 (0) 40 88 60 23

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